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“You like taking care of people because it heals the part of you that needed someone to take care of you.”


I am Natalya. I started this life with a very abusive upbringing. My mom was completely detached as a parent and has borderline personality disorder. She was there physically but definitely not there emotionally. My dad was an extremely dangerous and abusive narcissist that terrorized my entire family, physically, emotionally, sexually, and much more. He was put in jail when I was 15. The emotional abuse from my mom continued well into my twenties until I finally ended my relationship with her in order to protect my mental health. In addition to the violence and neglect, we (my siblings and I) also dealt with extreme poverty, running out of the last grain of rice on multiple occasions and living without heat or electricity during a frigid winter in Colorado.


As an adult, I finally started going to therapy in 2015 and began to embark on my healing journey. I was married at the time, but as I was working on myself and growing exponentially as a person, the fundamental differences between my husband and myself became very clear. I felt as if I couldn’t be my true self around my husband. I felt imprisoned. I got a divorce in 2019.


During the pandemic, I started meditating as often as possible. I also started doing online group reiki sessions. Through one of the sessions I was in a deep trance almost and I spoke to my inner / higher self. It was there that I decided we (me and my higher self) needed to move across the country to a place I’d always dreamed of living. I moved to Venice, CA in May of 2022. Once here, I started attending all kinds of healing events. I especially enjoyed sound healing, reiki, breathwork, and other events where all of these modalities were combined.


I lost my comfy advertising job in April of 2023, and through a series of events, I was led to figuring out my path as a healer. I have always had an ability to hold space for people, to stay calm when there is chaos, to comfort people in dire times, and to naturally help them emotionally and physically. Because of what I have been through personally, it has given me the tools and understanding to know what others are going through. Life is emotionally abusive and can be extremely difficult at times. I somehow always had this inner knowing that somehow, everything would be ok.


I have had multiple near death experiences where I thought it could be the end. Being held up at knifepoint in Philly, being in a terrible 6 car pileup accident, being in a flash flood zone while camping in the middle of Lake Powell under a crazy thunderstorm, and so many other times living with my crazy and violent father just to name a few. There was this inner voice screaming at me that this was not the end, and that I would be ok. That was my higher self, and possibly my future self, protecting me and keeping me safe. Over the years, I have learned to trust that voice and my intuition more and more, and now I want to help people learn to trust theirs.


It is also my goal to help everyone deal with their trauma and experiences so that the cycles end with us and the patterns don’t get passed on to anyone else. Everyone is different and everyone’s healing journey will look different. I know how daunting it can be. I put off getting help for a very long time. I made all the excuses in the world. The freedom and peace I feel now having dealt with my traumas is truly priceless. You are worth it. It is work. But it is necessary work.


I am here to help guide you, to help you see clearly, and keep you safe.

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